Our proven approach to planning is founded on the principle of performance, meaning development that is in context with its built and natural environments. We believe that the central function of any long-range plan should be protecting and enhancing the character qualities and traits that residents and visitors value. A community’s character is the overarching theme and tissue that weaves together the elements of the plan.

In that a community’s image of the future will exert a strong influence over its current behavior, we assist our clients in visualizing alternative futures by illuminating and modeling current forces and trends (social, cultural, technological, economic, political, natural, etc.) that have the potential of shaping the character of the built and natural environment.

Through engaging an energized citizenry in a participatory visioning and strategic planning program, KKC helps its clients explore the long-range implications of human interactions within their environment. Through facilitating discourse and building consensus around common needs and assets, strengths and opportunities, communities can learn how to better plan and control their urbanization in a manner that sustains the unique ecological and historical character of their surroundings.